Welcome to the online exams for US candidates to OSCE seconded posts and election observation missions
This site was developed by the United States Institute of Peace to provide training and exams for US candidates preparing for deployment to the OSCE as secondees and/or election observers in connection with Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT). REACT is an OSCE recruitment mechanism that enables OSCE to deploy civilian experts rapidly to the field to undertake activities associated with conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation.
Completion of these exams with a passing grade meets part of the United States Department of State pre-deployment training requirements for US candidates selected for OSCE secondments and election observation assignments.
To learn more about seconded positions and election observation opportunities with the OSCE for US citizens, please visit the US Mission to the OSCE site or the Amentum REACT site.
To access the learning modules, please visit the USIP Global Campus.
Access exams
Please follow these links to access individual exams
- Introduction to the OSCE
- OSCE Field Operations
- Conflict Management
- Eastern Europe
- Southeastern Europe
- Central Asia
- Caucasus
The exams are only available to candidates that have applied with Amentum.
The views in this course do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Institute of Peace, which does not advocate specific policies.